Python Basics
Hey! Welcome to PythonLK. Everything about Python is explained as simple as possible so that you will enjoy this learning process as we enjoyed making this platform for you to learn. Happy Learning! ⚡
Python Identifiers are names which are used to identfy a
variable, function, class,
modules or other objects.
An Identifier should start from either an alphabetic letter or an underscore(_). And Numbers can be included.
Python Identifiers are Case Sensitive.
Variables examples
hello = "world"
_hello = "world"
hello123 = "world"
Python variable is fraction of a memory-space which can store any value.
Reserverd words
Python Reserverd words cannot be used as
All Python keywords(Reserverd words) contain lowercase letters only.
and | exec | not |
assert | finally | or |
break | for | pass |
class | from | |
continue | global | raise |
def | if | return |
del | import | try |
elif | in | while |
else | is | with |
except | lambda | yield |
Operators are used to perform operations on variables
and values.